Where in the World is Cate Grimm?

I love, love, love to hear from readers and writers alike. If you’re interested in what I’m up to, what inspires me, and all manner of other things Cate, here’s where you can find me.

Contact Cate

You can drop me a line via email at writecategrimm@gmail.com

Or you can snail mail Cate Grimm at

P.O. Box 360980
Strongsville, OH 44136

Let’s Get Social

 Wanna be friends?  Tweet me, baby! Insta me!

Meet Cate in person

Due to COVID-19, Cate no longer has in person events on her schedule this year.

As the world finds its new normal, Cate will look for safe ways to engage with fans in the future.

Until then, stay healthy.

Saturday, May 30, 2020

GISH Mini Hunt

The Play-at-Home Scavenger Hunt supporting COVID relief efforts.

April 8, 2021-April 11, 2021


Orlando, FL